Stay Healthy, Take A Vacation!

Vacations and travel look a little different this year, but you still need to take a break. Along with reenergizing your mind, there are many other health benefits to taking a vacation. Here are 5 reasons why you should go ahead and plan that trip and they may be just what the Doctor ordered.

  • Strengthens Bonds with Family and Friends Through Shared Experiences.
    Strong bonds ward off feelings of loneliness and depression. Sharing experiences with friends and family enhance positive feelings. One of the benefits of traveling is the positive effect it has on relationships and upon your return help, you feel better connected.
  • Relieves Stress.
    When traveling for fun, you have the opportunity to rest and recharge. It gives us a chance to renew and revitalize our responsibility-filled lives. All of this in return helps to reduce stress and can add years to your life and life to your years!
  • Enriches your Life Experience.
    Traveling can make you a more positive person. By trying new things, and activities you wouldn’t usually try, these new experiences wake up your senses, create more positive emotions, and minimizes the negative ones.
  • Increases Your Sense of Happiness.
    Traveling can make you more alert, mentally engage, and happier! Studies show that through the planning process you have something to look forward to and therefore we are naturally more hopeful and productive.
  • Reduces the Chance of a Heart Attack and Lowers Cortisol.
    One of the biggest health benefits of traveling is a healthy heart. Part of the reason those that travel are healthier is that they are more active. People try new activities and these activities boost physical and mental health.

In addition, traveling allows you to be in a stress-free environment, which in turn lowers the cortisol levels in your system. Cortisol levels are when elevated when around high-stress people or environments, such as work. Sustained high levels of cortisol can be harmful to your health and brain. By lowering cortisol, it allows your brain to take a break and relax, providing a much-needed detox.